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Maximizing Marketing Investments: Strategies to Boost the Value of Every Dollar

Maximizing Marketing Investments: Strategies to Boost the Value of Every Dollar Marketing unquestionably stands as one of the pivotal departments in any business. From conducting market research to crafting precisely targeted advertisements, marketers play an indispensable role in helping businesses achieve their revenue goals. Naturally, generating revenue entails spending money,… Read More »Maximizing Marketing Investments: Strategies to Boost the Value of Every Dollar

Market Simulation or Marketing Mix Modeling

We often encounter this common question, especially within CMO circles, where the challenge lies in assessing marketing campaign effectiveness and creating data-driven go-to-market strategies. The choice between employing market simulation or marketing mix modeling (or perhaps a combination of both) hinges on several key considerations. What is the objective? For… Read More »Market Simulation or Marketing Mix Modeling

The Differences Between AutoML and Market Simulation

In today’s data-driven landscape, organizations seek efficient ways to leverage machine learning. Enter Automated Machine Learning (AutoML), a groundbreaking solution that empowers teams to harness the full potential of their data. By automating data processing, model exploration, and tuning, AutoML streamlines the model-building process, enabling organizations to address critical business… Read More »The Differences Between AutoML and Market Simulation

Unleashing the Power of Simulation: Revolutionizing Customer Analytics

In the dynamic realm of customer analytics, where organizations are flooded with data on consumer behavior, a new frontier emerges. The convergence of purchasing habits, media consumption, online interactions, and customer sentiment offers an unprecedented opportunity for brands to delve into the intricate tapestry of their customers. Diving into this… Read More »Unleashing the Power of Simulation: Revolutionizing Customer Analytics

SimulA(I)tions: Leveraging AI capabilities for maximum data insights

There’s no denying AI is now the ‘cool kid on the block’ when it comes to business and strategy optimization. It received several mentions in Gartner’s Top Strategic Technology Trends in 2023 and for good reason: According to McKinsey & Company, adoption of the technology by firms has doubled since 2017, with 63% of businesses… Read More »SimulA(I)tions: Leveraging AI capabilities for maximum data insights

These Consumers AIn’t Loyal: Using AI to get to really Know Your Customer

Brands and consumers used to be in long-term relationships. Now they’re casually dating with no commitments. This week, Tesco angered shoppers by announcing that it will be reducing the value of its popular Clubcard reward scheme from June. From the company’s point of view, augmenting the mechanism with which it… Read More »These Consumers AIn’t Loyal: Using AI to get to really Know Your Customer